holding so much fear for the future
trying to figure out what it means to move forward with grace
I’ve been told I do this but I don’t really have awareness of what it entails. gonna google it
comforting words from shannon
Yea i feel that, thinking too far ahead. There are so many possible things to get hung up on. I try to go outside for a walk when that happens to get out of my head spiral.
Any change and any growth comes from little moments little steps in the day to day, those are the real wins. I’m sure if you look back on the past few months you will see many accomplishments and changes that you can be really proud of. Just reacting a little differently to a situation one time, is a huge step
Youre doing great :)
can’t believe going on walks actually help
this moment in pachinko made me cry. the feeling of returning, the emotional weight in youn yuh-jung’s expression