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Tweet from Aug 25, 2016 at 3:01 PM:
does anyone wanna hang out this weekend and when i say hangout i mean sit in silence for 5 hours together

i rewatched ryusuke hamaguchi's happy hour the other day

the first time i watched it, i was in my mid 20s and i was deeply affected by it even though i didn't know how to put it into words
(i still don't)

i decided to rewatch it recently because edward yang's yi yi reminded me of it...a sort of slow burn observational movie about intimate relationships

rewatching happy hour eight years later, i feel even more moved

the pain and tenderness of life, the desire to be seen, the fear of being vulnerable. it all hit me stronger in my mid 30s (scream)

super naive take but i realized that just because i love one movie from a director doesn't mean i'll like their other films. i didn't like drive my car lol

my body welled up with emotion

i'm trying to force myself to articulate how i feel about movies

i feel things strongly and i want to share it with others
it's okay to emote on the internet

i can't wait to rewatch happy hour again in a couple of years

i want to listen to the sound of your guts ♡

that was then   but this is now   what is next?

home   is this still me?